best countries for digital nomad visas and remote work

The Best Countries for Digital Nomads Visas and Remote Work

Are you ready to learn about digital nomads visas?

Thanks to the rise of digital nomad visas, the work, live, play, school anywhere lifestyle is becoming increasingly easier.

If you dream about becoming a digital nomad, you’re going to want to keep reading here. The same holds true if you dream about living a nomadic, location independent lifestyle or worldschooling your children.

And if your work allows remote work, and you can live in a location that welcomes remote workers, why wouldn’t you go experience a new way of life and live the exciting travel lifestyle?

Below, you’ll find 10 Countries That Support Digital Nomads and Offer Digital Nomads Visas.

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What’s a Digital Nomad and How to Become One?

First off, if you don’t know what is meant by the term digital nomad, then definitely check out What’s a Digital Nomad? It’s a quick read and will get you up to speed.

Warning: Once you learn about the Digital Nomad lifestyle, you may NEVER want to go back to your old thinking about location-dependent work and flexible, travel lifestyles.

The Pandemic’s Silver Lining

Covid has changed the workscape. For many, gone are the days of “having to go into work.”

If there’s any silver lining to the global pandemic, it is that many employers now see work from home as viable. Adding to the legitimacy, there are companies that have not only survived, but have thrived during the pandemic. Working remotely from home, many employees have demonstrated that not only can they effectively conduct business via Zoom, but they are more productive than ever.

For many of those who dream about living the travel lifestyle or becoming digital nomads, work from home is something that now they have a taste of, they now want more of… and to now take it on the road.

Work From Anywhere Visas

Digital nomads are sometimes known to bounce around, traveling from place to place and working remotely in different countries, such as in coffee shops, for their remote employer or for their own businesses. However, this approach isn’t without problems.

Some seem to take the view that if they are complying with visitor passport rules, they are only on vacation in the country. However, others argue that this practice technically dodges work visa requirements and can have repercussions, including deportation; this is since some countries actually require you to have a work visa if you are within a country working, even if for a remote employer.


The Rise of Digital Nomad Visas

Some countries have created visas specific for digital nomads and people who prefer location independent work.

LOOKING FOR REMOTE WORK IDEAS, THEN READ: 37+ Creative Side Hustles, Freelance & Side Business Ideas and Make Money Now From ANYWHERE

10 Countries That Cater to Digital Nomads and Offer Digital Nomads Visas

1. Antigua & Barbuda.

Offers a Nomad Digital Residence. You can apply online through.

2. Barbados.

Offers a Welcome stamp for remote workers. Learn more about the Welcome Stamp Program.

3. Cayman Islands.

Offers a Global Citizen Concierge Program, which allows professionals and digital nomads to take advantage of the remote lifestyle.

4. Costa Rica.

Offers a freelancer visa, which came about before the COVID-19 pandemic. There are also a number of proposed amendments to expand digital nomad visa offerings in Costa Rica.

5. Croatia.

In March 2021, it launched an online digital nomads application.

6. Curaçao.

Recently launched its @Home program for remote works. (6 months renewable visas).

digital nomads visa dubai

7. Dubai.

Offers a tax-free remote working visa (as does the whole UAE).

8. Estonia.

Estonia offers an e-Residency / Digital Nomads Visa.

9. Georgia.

The country, not the State in the USA, offers a Remotely From Georgia visa for digital nomads.

germany freelancer visa

10. Germany.

Offers a Freelancer visa with the requirement of registration of a tax presence in Germany. “Freiberufle Visa” – Freelance Visa.

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If you like this post, please consider sharing the love. Pin it. Tweet it. Share it. I truly appreciate you sharing this post. I’d love to see the world become even more welcoming of digital nomads, freelancers, remote workers, and traveling families!

 digital nomads visas

Of course, I’d love to hear your thoughts, too. Drop a comment below.

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4 thoughts on “The Best Countries for Digital Nomads Visas and Remote Work”

  1. MentalMillennialMom

    Thank you so much for all of this wonderful info, I live in Hungary which does allow for you to have a residency permit if you register as your own business or self-employed but I had no idea that there was digital nomad applications in these places. I would love to live in Croatia or Germany for some time.

  2. I’m a content creator and I would love nothing more than to be a digital nomad. I love the van life and camping and being off the grid however my boyfriend is a little tethered to his job more than I am. I would love to go to Croatia and Georgia is beautiful.

  3. Thank you so much for posting this list. I have it bookmarked. It’s wonderful that digital nomads are recognised in all these countries. Like you, say every cloud has a silver lining. Those who have found themselves working from home due to the pandemic may now choose to live this kind of lifestyle.

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