best homeschooling books for parents reading list

The Best Homeschooling Books For Parents

The Best Homeschooling Books You Must Read if You’re Thinking About Homeschooling or Need a Reminder Why You Chose to Homeschool

I’ve been on this homeschooling adventure for well over a decade now with my four children.

When I began this journey, I was a nervous wreck. I was clueless. I didn’t know anything about homeschool curriculum, homeschool proms, or homeschool high school graduations.

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All I knew was that I wanted my kids to love learning. I wanted to help them figure out what they love in learning and life.

But I didn’t want to mess up my kids’ education. Additionally, I wanted to make sure that homeschooling wouldn’t close any doors for them either.

A Homeschooling Reading List to Teach You Everything You Need to Know to Homeschool

I remember thinking when I started how nice it would be if there was a reading list that could teach you all of the homeschooling secrets out there.

And over the years, there have been moments when I could have probably used some sort of homeschool list to remind me why I’m doing this.

So, I’ve compiled this list of incredible homeschool books for parents or anyone thinking about homeschooling.

The Best Homeschool Books List For Anyone Thinking About Homeschooling, Struggling with Homeschooling, Hoping to Understand Homeschooling, or Looking to Create a Flexible, Travel Lifestyle

Before I get to my homeschool book recommendations list, let me first tell you who I think is well suited to read these books. The books on this list are must reads for anyone:

  • Considering homeschooling a child
  • Struggling with homeschooling
  • Trying to find their homeschooling groove
  • Hoping to make their homeschool environment and approach more relaxed and enjoyable
  • Doubting the homeschool process
  • Worrying about failing their child or letting them down
  • Needing a gentle push in getting on-board with homeschooling
  • Thinking about sending the kids back to school
  • Interested in learning about different homeschool approaches and methodologies, like unschooling, roadschooling, or worldschooling.
  • Interested in adopting a flexible travel lifestyle that allows for work, school & adventure

If you’re struggling with homeschooling, make sure you read and bookmark Stop Trying to Homeschool and Start Unschooling.

The Best Homeschooling Books for Parents Interested in Homeschooling or Interest-Led Home Study, like Unschooling, Roadschooling, or Worldschooling

1. Dumbing Us Down (John Taylor Gatto, 25th Anniversary Ed.)

My absolute favorite homeschooling read. A total game changer. This book was recommended to me early on in my homeschool journey, when I was struggling with finding joy in the process–and trying to understand why I chose what I was doing in the first place.

2. Radical Unschooling: A Revolution Has Begun (Dayna Martin, 2011)

Updated and Revised, this book is a must read for anyone curious about interest-led learning, unschooling, or “radical unschooling.”

The author is a vocal advocate of unschooling. I had the opportunity to meet her and attend a book signing event at a small bookstore in Vermont many moons ago. When I entered the bookstore, I thought, I would never unschool my kids. But when I left that bookstore talk, I realized that I had already fallen onto the unschooling path, well before I even stepped foot into the bookstore or picked up a copy of the author’s book.

3. Becoming Barenaked (Jenn Barenaked, 2015)

If you’re dreaming about living a travel lifestyle, like roadschooling, where you can work, school, and play on the road, or live a more flexible life on your own terms, you need to read this homeschool book. This is the real-life story of a family who ditched a six-figure career to roadschool and live out of an RV. It’s written in a fun, memoir, journal style.

4. Homegrown: Adventures in Parenting Off the Beaten Path, Unschooling and Reconnecting with the Natural World (Ben Hewitt, 2014)

If you dream about a life of free range, organic parenting and unschooling, you’ll definitely want to get your hands on a copy of this book. This book will inspire you and enhance your understanding in interest-led learning. It will help you put trust in your children and realize that unschooling can unlock a special childhood, lifestyle, and passion for life-long learning.

5. The World is Our Classroom (Cindy Ross, 2018)

A homeschool must-read for anyone interested in exploring the possibilities offered by homeschooling. This book is especially a must for those dreaming about exploring the natural world with their child and making the world the ultimate classroom. The author traveled extensively with her children, including major treks, and explains how the world beyond traditional classroom walls is the most compelling classroom of all. Children are capable of so much more than we can imagine when they are given support, space, and opportunity.

6. The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home (Susan Wise Bauer, 2016 Latest Ed.)

For anyone interested in classical education, this book is the holy grail. I started off my homeschool voyage with this book. While I found the approach was too much for my personality and the way I wanted to homeschool my kids, I have integrated many resources and topics into my children’s lives over the years.

If you have a resistant partner who doubts the educational potential of homeschooling, get this. It’s a mind-blowing resource.

7. Unschooled: Raising Curious, Well-Education Children Outside the Conventional Classroom (Kerry McDonald, 2019)

If you’re looking for an alternative to mainstream education, considering homeschooling your children, seeking courage to try unschooling, or simply need validation that compulsory schooling may not be the best model, get your hands on this book.

8. The Utimate Book of Homeschooling Ideas (Linda Dobson, 2002)

If you are intrigued by the idea of homeschooling, but have no idea on where to start getting ideas–or think you aren’t creative–grab this book. This book helped me see that EVERYTHING is a learning opportunity or can be made into one. Don’t let the age of this book fool you, it has 500+ timeless and creative learning ideas that any parent can navigate.

9. The Call of the Wild and Free: Reclaiming Wonder in Your Child’s Education (Ainsley Arment, 2019)

Parents who think that maybe they can’t deal with homeschooling, will find something to appreciate in this book. It may well help even the most Type A parent discover the wonder and magic of giving children the gift of a wild and free education.

10. Worldschooling: How to Revolutionize Your Child’s Education Through Travel (Ashley Dymock De Tello, 2017)

What if you could travel the world and give your child a travel-based education? Well, you can! This book will give you ideas on how to revolutionize your child’s education and your life through travel.

Want to read more about worldschooling or how you can create a travel based lifestyle with your kids? Then click over to my resource library to learn How to Create a Freedom Lifestyle.

Share the Love – Share this Reading List with Your Friends, Family and Followers

If you think this ultimate list of the best homeschooling books for parents or anyone thinking about homeschooling is helpful, please consider sharing the love and pinning it, share it, tweeting it, or sending it to a friend!

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Of course, I’d love to hear from you, too. Drop a comment below and tell me how your homeschooling dream or journey is going.

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