
why you need a homeschooling coach and benefits of homeschool coaches

How a Homeschool Coach Can Help Make Homeschooling Better

If you want to improve your homeschooling experience, a homeschool coach can make your life SO much better. Honestly, a coach in general can help you tremendously. Whether that’s a fitness coach, mindset or business coach, or a coach to help you with your homeschool journey. My Homeschool Coach Story When I started homeschooling my …

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homeschool homeschooling permission form in france demande authorisation

The New 2022-2023 Demande d’Authorisation d’Instruction Dans la Famille – France Homeschooling Form

For my French homeschooling and expat friends, the wait for the 2022-2023 Demande d’Authorisation d’Instruction Dans la Famille form is over. Apparently, it is the form parents must complete to obtain permission from the French government to homeschool. The form is now online. You can find a link to it below. Keep in mind, my …

The New 2022-2023 Demande d’Authorisation d’Instruction Dans la Famille – France Homeschooling Form Read More »

how to document unschooling or record learning at home

How To Document Unschooling or Record Home Learning

There are easy ways to document unschooling or record learning at home. While unschooling may look different than parent-directed homeschooling, unschooling parents may need to document learning just the same. First though, if you want to better understand unschooling, be sure to bookmark the Q&A filled Unschooling Encyclopedia. Why Do You Need to Keep Unschooling …

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frane restricts homeschool

France Blazes Ahead to Restrict Homeschooling

What homeschooling families in France have feared is indeed happening. It’s not a pretty picture. France is blazing ahead to limit homeschooling. This plan makes it difficult, if not impossible, for many French families to educate their children at home. It certainly makes it difficult for families to homeschool them as they wish. Or at …

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