reduce blogging stress, stress-free blogging

Why Blogging is So Stressful, and What You Can Do About It

Blogging is so stressful. Like soooooo stressful at times.

If you’re an aspiring blogger, forgive me for bursting your bubble. Stress is one of the dark sides of blogging. If you’re new to blogging, welcome to the stress club. I know you already know what I mean.

It’s not that blogging is always stressful.

But way too often blogging can be stressful.

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Blogging is almost sadistic. It’s sort of like signing up to run an ultramarathon for pure fun.

But then again, the art of writing is painful at times. Writer’s block. Rejections. Bad openings. Undeveloped characters. Low per-word-pay rates.

And for bloggers… there’s a whole lot more hurt besides the art of writing. Technical issues. 5xx errors. 404 errors. WordPress Internal Server Errors. SEO keyword research. Blog promotion, like Pinterest pinning and repinning. And finding time for blog roundups, backlink building, commenting, and guest post writing.

Oh, and don’t get me started on the Mt. Everest like learning curve that comes with beginning blogging. Like which blogging platform to use: free or paid? And whether to pay for SEO optimization tools, like Moz, right out of the starting gate.

And then there are other blogging headaches. Like managing social media accounts. Instagram. Facebook. Pinterest. Snapchat. And others. Oh, and to feed a migraine, What’s Linktree and Should You Use it?

How to Deal with Blogging Stress

Can you do blogging stress-free? Maybe. But maybe not.

I’d venture to guess that many bloggers would agree with me that when blogging is going well, it can be unbelievable. It can be uplifting, inspiring, and loads of fun. Sure, it can even be healthy, especially for people who want to get things out of their heads. Even therapeutic.

But sometimes, for some bloggers, it’s undeniably stressful.

Are there strategies to reduce blogging stress? Absolutely!

Whether you’re brand new to blogging or an experienced blogger, growing a blog is like building a business. It is building a business, at least for many who decide to start a blog and hope to make money from it. And like every new business, there’s usually a steep learning curve. There are also the typical headaches that come with building and growing a business.

As a blogger, however, it can sometimes feel like all of the stresses and stressors are all bundled up into one… your blog.

Tips and Strategies

To help making blogging less stressful, read on for tips and strategies. These tips and strategies will help you shift your mindset, blogging and business approach, and habits to reduce blog stress.

After all, no one wants to be a stressed out blogger. And even if stress is just part of the becoming a blogger package, the less of it the better. 😉

Stress-Proof Your Blogging Career

Want to spend more time actually being productive, building your blog, growing your audience, and focusing on growth strategies than stressing? Then read on for some useful tips and strategies to reduce blogging career stress.

Hopefully, these ways to get rid of stress will infuse a bit of happiness into your blog life.

1. Chill Out from the Start and Take it Slow.

Of course you want a successful, money making blog yesterday. But take it slow, alright? You don’t want to burnout before you’ve really started.

There’s so much to learn about blogging when you’re new (and even if you’ve been at it a long time). It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed out.

And when you hear about other bloggers having overnight success or posting monthly blogging income reports, it can be even easier to full-on freak out.

But chill. Okay?

Seriously. C-H-I-L-L. Grab a tissue and wipe those blogging crocodile tears. (Yep, been there…done that…a million times).

If you’re determined to crush the blog scene, I have a lot of confidence that you can get there if you take everything in stride. Take baby steps. Take your time. Soak up everything you can. Learn from other bloggers. Read everything you can. When you get stuck technically, ask questions. On boards. In groups. Heck, on Twitter.

Just stay committed to your blogging goals.

Day after day. Week after week. Month after month.

Even when your traffic drops. Even if you get denied an affiliate program acceptance. Or even when it seems WordPress is stuck.

Do this…and every little thing is probably gonna be alright. Probably more than alright.

2. Manage Your Time

Whether you think of your blog as a business or hobby, if you want to reduce blog stress, try to manage your blogging time.

Carve out a time to blog and work on your blog (or blog related social media). Whether it is daily or weekly. Doesn’t matter. Just stick to it. And be efficient about it.

And stick to it not like how you stick to hitting the gym when you try to pencil in a workout. Stick to your blogging time like super glue.

Trying to balance work and life? AND blogging? Hey, I get it. I’ve got four kids, a business, blogs, a dog… I’m not always great at managing my blogging time. However, I know that when I really make an effort to prioritize blogging time, the results show and blogging feels a lot less stressful.*

Time after time.

So, whatever you can do to manage your blogging time, do it–it will make blogging more fun and less stressful! 😉

*If you’re new to blogging and just launched a blog, it is pretty common for it to take a bit of time before you see your efforts show up, including seeing your content get ranked. But like I wrote above, stick with it.

3. Cultivate Patience.

Ahhhhhh….. patience…. not exactly my forte. However, if I’ve learned anything from blogging, it’s that patience comes in really handy at keeping blog stress in check.

4. Tackle Lack of Motivation Head On.

If you’re lacking motivation to blog and feeling stressed about it, it can be hard to get that motivation back. If anything, it’s easy to avoid blogging altogether when you’ve lost motivation. And that just makes everything all the more overwhelming.

But if you’re feeling a lack of motivation or lack of love for your blog, try to change things up a bit to find it again.

Maybe join a blogging group or local blogging meet-up. For example, Facebook has many blogging groups for new bloggers. I know these groups really help me stay motivated with their daily blogging tasks, like backlink building and Pinterest pin shares.

You might even get lucky and find a co-working or business incubator space near you. If so, you might find you can reduce blogging stress by working side-by-side with other people working on their business projects.

5. Listen to Blogging Podcasts (or watch Blogging YouTube Videos or Take a Blog Course)

Listening to blogging podcasts, watching blogging YouTube videos, or taking a blog course can really help boost blogger morale. For example, when I once felt overwhelmed by SEO, I took a blog course and felt wayyyyy better about blogging. Almost instantly.

Blog On. Whatever the Weather. It’s worth it.

While blog stress is a real thing for many bloggers, it doesn’t have to sideline you.

There are so many positive things that can come from blogging when you stick it out. Money. A new career. Work opportunities. Fame. Influencer status. To name a few. So don’t let the stress win. 🙂

Share the Love – Pin & Share This Post

If this post was helpful, please consider sharing the love and tweeting it, sharing it, or pinning it!

Bookmark and share these blog tips and strategies, so the next time you feel stressed out by your blog you can re-read them.

Follow Julie on Social Media! 😉

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3 thoughts on “Why Blogging is So Stressful, and What You Can Do About It”

  1. Another reason why it’s stressful because search engines and social media algorithms keep changing. Such a pain in the butt and we just have to say we can’t control it but it’s a hard concept.

  2. I agree that blogging can be a real challenge – and that’s coming from someone with five published novels under my belt. I also agree that SEO is the most challenging aspect because of the constantly changing algorithms. But it can also be very satisfying.

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